Saltana Five Poems from Edward Hopper by Ernest Farrés Revista de literatura i traducció A Journal of Literature & Translation Revista de literatura y traducción
Compartment C, Car 293, 1938
Rostre sever, cabells
més o menys rossos, ulls
amb una espurna d'introversió,
cutis al pic de la vida, posat
de ves-guipant-me-fins-que-t’avorreixis,
vestit negre que li estrenyia els pits
i un joc de cames llargues i en plenes facultats,
era, i fa de bon dir, una dona atractiva
i, en el sentit modern del mot, «independent».

Aquelles hores mortes del tren eren propícies
per llançar-li mirades furtives a la dona
que seia a l'altra banda del passadís. Llegia,
la pobra, amb tanta concentració
que a l'horabaixa li passà per alt
que els últims raigs del sol s'adherien encesos
per l'oest a la volta sense límits del cel.



Translation by Lawrence Venuti
Face stern, hair
more or less blonde, eyes
with an inward-looking glint,
skin in the pink, wearing
a stare-till-you're-bored attitude
in a black dress that hugged her breasts
and a pair of long legs, in good working order,
she looked real swell, sure enough,
and "independent," as the saying goes.

The down time on the train was just
the ticket for stealing looks at her
as she sat across the aisle, reading
—poor kid— with such concentration
that at dusk she completely missed
the sun's last rays burning in the west,
stuck to the limitless vault of the sky.



Compartment C, Car 293, Edward Hopper, 1938
Compartment C, Car 293, 1938
Edward Hopper
Private collection, New York

House by the Railroad, 1925 Solitude, 1944 Introduction